
Vision / Mission / Core Beliefs
Our Vision
Amazing Life-KY's vision is for all participants to be supported in living life to it's greatest potential and to be fully participating members of their community. Our goal is to ensure that all participants are treated with dignity and respect and to ensure they know they are valued.
Our Mission
Amazing Life-KY, LLC is committed to promoting personal growth and community integrations by providing effective, evidenced based services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by promoting independence, informed decision making, dignity, self-worth, and overall improving quality of life. We will assist participants in remaining connected to their natural supports and build additional supports to increase their success in the community.
Our Core Beliefs
Participants should have the opportunity to live in the community of their choice with effective, individualized assistance.
Participants should have opportunities to be fully contributing citizens of their communities; enjoying living and working in the community of their choice
Participants should be safe, healthy, and respected in their communities.
We Value and Will Strive to Provide Services That:
Support Participant dignity and self-worth
Support Participants to form and remain connected to natural support networks.
Support Participant empowerment and informed decision-making
Support Person Centered team meetings to ensure and promote the Participant's right to choose, be participating members in their communities, be employed, grow as an individual and assert their right to privacy
Support a restraint-free environment where use of mechanical restraints, seclusion, manual restraints including any manner of prone or supine restraint or chemical restraints shall be prohibited
Support and utilize person-centered and/or family-centered processes addressing what is important to and for the Participant
Support and ensure satisfactory outcomes leading to relationships, dignity, choice, real contribution and inclusion in community life